Your Name
Your Email
What type of event is this for? BirthdayCorporate / OfficeFestival / FairFundraiserSchool eventSpecial event / PartyWedding
What are the age(s) of the guests? Younger than 44 - 6 years old7 - 10 years old11 - 14 years old15 - 17 years old18 or older
Approximately how many guests are you expecting? Fewer than 5050-100100-150150-200Over 200
How long is the Photo Booth needed for? 2 hour min (650)3 hours $7254 hours $8005 hours 875A day ($1350) up to 12 hours
Will you need a backdrop? NoYes
Choose your color? (Select One) I have my own $0Black $40White$40Red $40Blue $40Green $40Gray $40Yellow $40
Additional Features! QR code $10Print (with drop down showing 2 options) 4×6 or 5x7 (two options to select) Up to 100 guest $50 100 or more $100Photo Album ($50)Insert- logos, hashtags, brand names or slogans ($25)Physical Props e.g. 80's party, Cars, Superheros, Wild Wild West. etc.I Don't Need Additional Feature